Operations Manager
Cardiff and The Vale
Job title:
Operations Manager
Work location:
Home & Cardiff
What do you do at VS and how would I come across you? :
I am responsible for the day to day delivery of the South Wales Victim Focus project. This means leading a Management Team who drive forward our performance and the quality of support we provide to victims of crime. I am also responsible to the PCC who fund our service and liaise with SWP on a strategic level to ensure victim’s get the support they need following crime.
I grew up in:
Sandfields, Port Talbot….right near the beach!
Someone you would like to meet:
Eddie Vedder, Lead Singer of Pearl Jam
Favourite place:
My back garden when the sun is out!
What’s your guilty pleasure:
Jam Doughnuts
What advice would you give your younger self:
Don’t give up if you get knocked down, keep getting back on your feet, and try again!